Lost in Laundry

Tue, May 21st 2013, 06:43 PM

I miss hanging
laundry... There is something so right about hanging clothes out on a
line on a sun-filled day. There is nothing like the fresh smell of
clothing that has aired-dried out in nature.

My mother hung
clothes for 9 of us and so I spent a lot of time watching her do so as a
child, or helping her by handing up socks and underwear at the bottom
of the basket. In one of our homes we had an opening on the side of the
house, so mom didn't have to go outside, as the pulley mechanism was
right in the house... that helped on winter days. I recall her pulling
clothes in that were frozen stiff.

When I lived in The Bahamas I would put on my bikini to hang the laundry...

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