Help Section

Find help here on how to Signup, Change your Profile, Add your Business Listing or Write a Review.

Profile (Sign Up / Edit / Password)

To add a listing, picture or review you need to be a member of

Follow these quick and easy steps:

  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Click Don't have an account? Signup here
  3. Enter personal name and company name (if applicable),
  4. Enter your email, a username and a password (passwords are case sensitive),
  5. Enter your gender and date of birth,
  6. Click 'Sign Up',
  7. You will then be sent an email to notify you of your approved username and password,
  8. Click on, login and start using!
  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Submit',
  3. Your Profile page will appear or click 'My Profile' in the top-right corner,
  4. In the 'Account Summary' click 'Edit Profile',
  5. Under the 'Edit Profile' section you can now update your info:
    • First and Last Name,
    • Company Name,
    • Email Address,
    • Username,
    • Gender and Date of birth,
    • Town, Po Box and Country
  6. Click 'Update Profile',
  7. You will then be sent an email to notify you of your approved updated profile.
  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Submit',
  3. Your Profile page will appear or click 'My Profile' in the top-right corner,
  4. In the 'Account Summary' click 'Edit Profile',
  5. Under the 'Change Password' section type in current password,
  6. Now type in new password and then retype new password to confirm,
  7. Click 'Change' to complete.

Business Listings

To add a business/organization listing you need to have already created an account - please see 'Sign Up'. Once you are a member of Bahamas Local you can now login and add a listing!

Follow these quick and easy steps:

  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Submit',
  3. Click 'Add A Business Listing' in the top bar,
  4. Select the categories that best describe your business,
  5. Add name of business,
  6. Add description of your company,
  7. Add address, town and Island,
  8. Add Telephone contact numbers and select "Whatsapp" in applicable
  9. Add up to 3 email addresses. (these will not be shown online, but users will be able to send you an email),
  10. Add website, year founded and key search words (tags) that describe your business or even a specific product or service so users can find your business fast,
  11. Add Social Media Links,
  12. Add your opening times,
  13. Pin your business location on the map,
  14. Upload your company logo
  15. Click 'Add Listing',
  16. You will then be sent an email to notify you of your approved company listing,

To edit a business listing you need to have created an account - if not please see 'Sign Up'. Once you are a member of Bahamas Local you can now login and add edit a listing! Follow these 6 quick and easy steps:

  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Sign in',
  3. Type in the company name in the 'Search The Bahamas' bar that you would like to edit,
  4. Click "Edit Business Information"
  5. Change or add any of the information, including placing the pin on the map of where your business is located,
  6. Click 'Update Listing',


  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Sign in',
  3. Type in your company name in the 'Search The Bahamas' bar,
  4. Click on your business listing,
  5. In the 'Latest Pictures/Photos' section click 'Add Image',
  6. Click 'Browse', choose image and click Open,
  7. Add title of image and description if needed,
  8. Select 'Yes' or 'No' to set that image as listing logo,
  9. Click 'Upload'.
  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Sign in',
  3. Your Profile page will appear or click 'My Profile' in the top-right corner,
  4. Click the 'Images' tab,
  5. Under the 'User Images' section choose the image you want to delete,
  6. Click 'Remove Image'. Once removed it cannot be undeleted


To add a business/organization review you need to have already created an account - please see 'Sign Up'. Once you are a member of Bahamas Local you can now login and add a review! Follow these 8 quick and easy steps:

  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Sign in',
  3. Type in the company name in the 'Search The Bahamas' bar that you would like to review,
  4. Scroll down to 'Add Your Review' section,
  5. Type in title of your review,
  6. Select rating,
  7. Add your review comments,
  8. Click 'Post Review'.
  1. Click 'Login' in the top-right corner,
  2. Enter username and password, and click 'Sign in',
  3. Type in the company name in the 'Search The Bahamas' bar that you would like to review,
  4. Scroll down to 'Review' section,
  5. Click 'Edit Review',
  6. Make your changes,
  7. Click 'Update Review'.