Whether lobster or crawfish it still makes a delicious lobster roll

Mon, Oct 11th 2010, 08:00 PM

Sometimes Iâ really have to wonder whether being Bahamian and raised in The Bahamas has anything to do with my love of the sea. But I love to be near the water, taking walks on the beach, driving the coastline, boating at the drop of a dime and going fishing at the drop of a penny.
Whenever I get the chance and take a vacation it seems like water is usually a part of the selection process. A few years ago I drove to Wells, Maine from Connecticut, with friends, to hang out for a long weekend. In Maine, we were all told that the place to go to was Billy's Chowder House, needless to say we made a"bee-line"to Billy's where the lobster rolls happened to be the talk of the town.
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