If UB is independent, then it must stop taking tax dollars

Thu, Oct 5th 2023, 12:25 PM

Dear Editor,

First off, I would like to commend Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) President Bishop Delton Fernander and the other clergymen who protested outside the walls of the University of The Bahamas (UB) on Sunday against Pride Bahamas.

The overwhelming majority of Bahamians stand shoulder to shoulder with Fernander in his fight against the encroachment of an aggressive LGBTQIA group.

The BCC must continue to act as the conscience of a nation whose moral standards continue to be diminished at a rapid rate.

I believe that the Pride Bahamas events are really aimed at conditioning the nation to embrace same-sex marriage.

Liberal educational institutions throughout the US, Canada and Europe are being used by atheists and agnostics to undermine traditional Christian values and to indoctrinate the youth who will be tomorrow's leaders.

One UB professor claims to be a feminist. UB is simply copycatting its counterparts abroad.

Now, in the Monday, October 2 edition of The Tribune regarding the aforementioned BCC protest, UB Chair Allyson Gibson-Maynard responded by stating that UB was established by the "University of the Bahamas Act 2016, which establishes a board of trustees ... which shall be free from undue influence from political, religious, or other external bodies ..."

Regarding Gibson-Maynard's claims, if UB is truly independent, then why does this institution continue to accept tax dollars from taxpayers it claims to be independent from?

Without government subsidies, UB would immediately wither up financially.

Like Bahamas Power and Light, ZNS and the Water and Sewerage Corporation, UB is government owned and government funded.

An institution that is independent would be able to stand on its own two feet financially, without having to depend on state subventions.

Until UB is financially independent, the University of the Bahamas Act 2016 that is being touted by LGBTQ apologists isn't worth the paper it is written on.

What the BCC is stating, I believe, is that Bahamians do not want their hard-earned tax dollars to be funding an ungodly agenda that is explicitly condemned in the Bible as an abomination.

According to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, unrepentant Sodomites will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Having said that, the BCC should reach out to the Anglican and Catholic churches with the aim of lobbying them to excommunicate individuals at UB who are spearheading the Pride Bahamas events.

I am tired of our politicians enacting godless legislation antithetical to the Christian faith yet are being allowed to fellowship and to receive communion in church.

The Christian community really needs to draw the line.

— Kevin Evans

The post If UB is independent, then it must stop taking tax dollars appeared first on The Nassau Guardian.

The post If UB is independent, then it must stop taking tax dollars appeared first on The Nassau Guardian.

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