Orlando Regional Realtor Association donates $25,000 towards Hurricane Dorian recovery efforts

Tue, Mar 15th 2022, 11:53 AM

After the devastation of Hurricane Dorian, the Orlando Regional REALTOR® Association (ORRA) wanted to help the people of The Bahamas rebuild their lives. The Orlando Regional REALTOR® Foundation (ORRF), the charitable arm of ORRA, raised nearly $25,000 to help with recovery efforts in the Bahamas.

“The pandemic delayed the project but now Orlando REALTORS are thrilled to be able to partner with the Bahamas Real Estate Association to ensure these funds go to good use. The road to recovery is always long and challenging, but when we all work together, we can hopefully make the journey a bit easier,” said a spokesperson for the Orlando regional foundation.

“We will consult with stakeholders to see where these funds can be put to best use,” said BREA President Christine Wallace-Whitfield. “There is no shortage of opportunity as Grand Bahama and Abaco continue to recover and we are so grateful to friends like the Orlando Regional Realtors who remembered that the residents of those islands still have a long way to go before their lives can resume a sense of normalcy. We cannot thank the Orland regional realtors and their foundation enough.”

Orlando Regional Realtors Foundation (ORRF), the charitable arm of the area association, partners with Bahamas real estate professionals to donate to Hurricane Dorian relief, presenting a cheque for #25,000 to BREA President Christine Wallace-Whitfield, 4th from left. Pictured (L-R): Bob Caldwell (ORRF Immediate Past Chairman), Kimra Ritchie (BREA Director), Sally Hutcheson (BREA Vice President), Wallace-Whitfield (BREA President), Tansey Soderstrom (ORRA President), Lisa Hill (ORRA President-Elect), Candy Cole (ORRF Executive Director), Cliff Long (ORRA CEO).

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