Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Through Menopause

Fri, Jul 2nd 2010, 12:00 AM

There are a number of steps women going through menopause can take to stay healthy and feel better.  It is as easy as remembering your ABCs, and D, E, F, and H. 

A.  Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, excess salt and sugar.  B. Eat a balanced diet. Nutritionists recommend grains, leafy vegetables and nuts for relief of hot flashes.  Soy has also been shown to ease mild hot flashes.  C. Calcium and minerals.  D.  D vitamin, also Vitamin C, E, and B5.  E. Exercise daily, 45 to 55 minutes.  F.  Fat – choose foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol.  H. Herbal medicines and teas, including cranberry juice for urinary tract infection; passion flower, valerian, and black cohosh can help hot flashes and irritability.  Other tips for easing hot flashes: avoid eating hot and spicy foods, do not drink alcohol as it can trigger hot flashes, and reduce stress.

By The Doctors Hospital 

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