Jollification and the good old days

Thu, Jun 5th 2014, 09:59 AM

Dear Editor,

Don't you just wish for the good old days, when you looked forward to the Jollification Christmas Show by the Bahamas National Trust?

Those were the days, when the Bahamian business people could purchase items for Christmas to put in their stores on Bay Street and in hotels that were locally made.

These Christmas items included ornaments, wreaths, toys, etc. We enjoyed walking around the gardens, kids enjoyed the petting zoo while listening to inoffensive background Christmas music.

Those were the good old days when you met new friends and old friends you hadn't seen in a while. That is why my wife and I decided that this is the sort of atmosphere that we would want our children to be raised in, and so became members.

However, over the last few years, a trip to the Jollification has become a horrifying experience. Firstly it reminded me of downtown Bay Street where it is almost impossible to find anything native except for a few stores and cheap bad glass jewelry all over the place.

There doesn't seem to be any classification as to who is selling what. Apparently if you can afford the $200 table fees, you can sell cardboard hats made in China. It has turned out to be your typical straw market where people are buying things from flea markets or taking things out of their shops that they can't sell and setting it up at Jollification.

Gone are the days of the Christmas crafts, Christmas music and family atmosphere. Welcome to the days where the under-age girls and boys come there to make out, and others who come to get free samples of liquor and buy beer.

Whose idea was it to have a liquor company sponsor a family activity while using the opportunity to promote their new liquor and wine with free samples? Please change these things.

- Bob Nevil

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