A National Call to Prayer Pt. 1

Wed, Jun 8th 2016, 09:47 AM

By: Pastor, Dr. W. T. Adderley, Sr.

The following article expresses my personal views and not necessarily those of my Church affiliation.

Are enough Bahamians praying about the National Issues in our nation, asking for the direct intervention of the God of Heaven? I can expect quick responses to this proposed question because for the past two years many churches, prayer groups, action groups and individuals have been inviting Bahamian citizens to pray for the healing of the Bahamas. Many special prayer services have been held in Rawson and Parliament square, on Windsor Park and fort Charlotte, as well as on parks and in many Churches, homes and institutions, throughout New Providence and the Family Islands. However, some media persons chided us who kept on praying, that we made things worst.

If actual figures could be given, it may indicate that tens of thousands of Christian worshippers have been led and even joined in praying weekly for our country. These prayers are about: crime, victims of murders, those with no jobs, the Bah Mar Investment project, illegal immigrants; for Police, Defense Force, Immigration, Custom and Prison officers; including Government, Civil, Health, Education, Youth and Culture, Social Services leaders and workers; also, our Agriculture, Fisheries, Financial, Utilities, Hotel, Air, Land and Sea Transportation leaders and workers have dominated our prayers. Special prayers have ascended daily for the homes: fathers, mothers and children; the Schools: teachers, support staff and students; also, Religious and Political leaders and workers, even our tourists are covered in these prayers. What were the results? While some comments indicate the negative with the escalation of crime, especially murders, it is clear that the fight between good and evil is intensifying true to Bible prophecy; that, ‘In these last days, perilous times have come…because the devil, as a roaring lion is seeking whom he may devour…for he knows that he has but a SHORT TIME.’ 1 Tim. 4:1; 1 Peter 5:8; Rev. 12:12. Despite the negatives, there are positive results showing that God is merciful and He is still in charge.

The Bahamas Public Prayer Ministry team members committed themselves to daily prayers in Rawson Square from May 12th, 2014 to the present time. This Prayer Marathon has been in operation for 23 months with the 2nd Anniversary, May 12, 2016 fast approaching. From a vision on May 6th, 2014 and an angelic appearance on May 12th and 13th, 2014, a small team of prayer partners were formed. It has been a blessing to partner with churches of different faiths, prayer bands, families, individuals and even tourists; seeking the Lord by intercessory prayers, crying out for unity, justice, healing, forgiveness with love to prevail within and throughout every Island in the Nation. Here are some of the positive reports showing God’s intervention and manifestations experienced by team members and other persons: physical healing, jobs and financial break through, food, clothes and shelter given, foiled crimes and confiscation of weapons; He also exposed plots that involved some political and religious leaders. God even told persons to take food to the square and praying hungry men, one refused to play numbers, were fed.

Some team members and other Christians received visions and dreams of these things and future events which include pending calamities through the elements of Nature, devastating hurricanes e.g. Joaquin (Job 38) and as predicted by Jesus, Himself, earthquakes, famine, war, pestilence, betrayal, deception and lack of love in Matthew 24 (the entire chapter). In Daniel 12:1 it is predicted that in the time of trouble Michael the archangel shall stand up for the deliverance of His people. Who is this? Daniel 9: 25 call Him the ‘Messiah the Prince’; this is Jesus, and Gabriel says He is ‘Michael your Prince.’ Dan. 10:21. Listen to Jesus in Matthew 24:44 saying to us Be Ye also ready.

With our Nation gearing up for Junkanoo Carnival May 5 – 7, here is a question: “Are 80,000+ Bahamians praying daily for God’s leading and healing?” as compared to the police count of those at Carnival? At the National calls for prayer, the attendance was under 600 not even 1, 000 persons. I know God is displeased with this. As the Nation faces Constitutional Referendum on June 7th, 2016 to vote the four bills on equality, another important question is: ‘If bill number four is not about same sex marriage, how would this bill bring us in line with the other Nations of the world who have amended their Common Laws (Britain) and enacted laws legalizing same sex marriage (USA Europe, Canada) because to them there was discrimination on the bases of gender and sex.’ The court of appeal in Britain  involving a ruling of the Bahamas Privy Council, which law will supersede in a case of sexual discrimination?

What If God shook the Bahamas, with an earthquake or Tsunami? Would All Bahamians come together and PRAY?

By: Pastor, Dr. W. T. Adderley, Sr.

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