Salvation Army soldiers on despite shortage of donations

Tue, Dec 17th 2013, 02:42 PM


DESPITE a decline in donations from previous years, Salvation Army representatives say they will continue to spread the message of “hope and love” to the thousands in need, this holiday season.
Speaking with The Tribune, Divisional Commander, Major Lester Ferguson, said they are “concerned”, but not worried about the decline in donations because they have hope they will be able to spread the true message of Christmas – even if they do not have the physical gifts they had in past years...

DESPITE a decline in donations from previous years, Salvation Army representatives say they will continue to spread the message of “hope and love” to the thousands in need, this holiday season.

Speaking with The Tribune, Divisional Commander, Major Lester Ferguson, said they are “concerned”, but not worried about the decline in donations because they have hope they will be able to spread the true message of Christmas – even if they do not have the physical gifts they had in past years...


Click here to read more at The Tribune

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