A Spud For Better Blood Sugar?

Wed, Oct 27th 2010, 07:00 AM

Not all potatoes are created equal - especially when it comes to controlling blood sugar. So what’s the superior choice for people hoping to sweep aside diabetes?  It’s the nutritious sweet potato.

This spud may actually help stabilize blood sugar and lower insulin resistance. Unsteady blood sugar is a big-time risk factor for diabetes.  And, because of their high glycemic index, white potatoes can send blood sugar levels soaring and then crashing.  

Sweet potatoes, on the other hand?  Sweet and steady - they have a lower glycemic index than white potatoes. And the sweet potatoes may help your body use insulin better - although further study is needed to confirm this. Your choice of potato is only one small factor in the big picture of blood sugar control.

Try these additional strategies for keeping it in check: get moving - a little every day.  Eat your carbs with a bit of vinegar to help steady blood sugar.  Load up on fiber – both your waistline and your blood sugar will thank you. 

“Health Tip of The Day brought to you by Doctors Hospital, keeping you and your family healthy for life.”

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