Local website owner meets with online professionals in Ireland

Fri, Jul 26th 2013, 11:45 AM

BahamasLocal.com plans to "borrow" from the best practices of some of the world's top online firms in a bid to remain at the "forefront" of The Bahamas' online landscape.

Jason McDowall, CEO and president of Bahamaslocal.com, a popular Bahamas-centric online search engine, recently joined a delegation of board members and marketing professionals from top companies around the world for a series of meetings and networking opportunities in Dublin, Ireland - the home to international and European headquarters for innovators such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo!, Apple, PayPal, Cisco Systems and Dropbox.

The group was hosted at the five-star Merrion Hotel, sharing the same street as numerous governmental and cultural institutions and just a short walk away from the "golden mile" - a mile-long strip of pubs, shops and restaurants functioning as a hub of nightlife for the local area. True to the Irish tradition, the first night involved a cocktail reception with the Honorary Consul General of Ireland M. Finbar Hill, as he welcomed the group to Ireland.

The following day, the group met with executives from Adobe's European head office, followed by a meeting at Facebook's worldwide headquarters.

"These were definitely the best meetings of the entire trip," says McDowall. "We were able to interact with them to really delve into the internal processes and secrets that make these companies so successful, especially in the case of Facebook. By the way, everything you've heard about the Facebook working environment is true: Writing on the walls, free food, free drinks, everything is free to staff members. The corporate culture at these organizations is pretty much ideal."

Following a lunch hosted by IDA Ireland, the governing body responsible for attracting foreign direct investment and multinational corporations to Ireland's low tax, pro-business environment, the group toured Trinity College, the city of Dublin and the Old Jameson Distillery for a private tasting with Anna Malmhake, CEO of Pernod Ricard.

The group continued the three-day long trip by having tea with the Lord Mayor of Dublin, attending a dinner reception at the Guinness Storehouse and meeting privately with Richard Bruton, minister for jobs, enterprise and innovation for the government of Ireland.

"Overall, I'd say that the trip proved to be very fruitful, as we were able to learn from the best practices of world-leading firms that the team at BahamasLocal.com will definitely be borrowing from in the near future. International exposure such as this is always important for the continued development and evolution of an organization; as an industry leader in The Bahamas, we always strive to be at the forefront of our field."

Click here to read more at The Nassau Guardian

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