The Celebrity Artist Reveals Portrait 4

Thu, Jul 4th 2013, 11:57 PM

Sm-Winner-4-Portrait.jpg The Celebrity Artist completes the 4th WINNING PORTRAIT, won by Lynette Leadon-Pierre of Freeport who entered a photo of her baby and her mother in our recent promotion from saying, "Enclosed is a photograph of my mum Sylvia Bain with her first grandbaby Sarkozy.

This is a photo she cherishes with all her heart, and I hope one day he will as well. My mum was beyond ecstatic about the news of her first grand baby and always insisted that she will be called "Nana" because "grammy" was for 'old people.'

She looked forward to the joys of motherhood all over again and helping raise the son God blessed her with. Shortly after he was...

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