Meanderings on Menopause...

Sun, Sep 5th 2010, 02:35 PM

As my children get older and mark their own milestones, they become profound reminders of my aging.

Although life has been fast and furious up until
now, and there seems no end in sight to the exciting things it has to
offer, as a woman, I've noticed the changes my body has gone through as
I am aging.

I recall when my mother went through menopause. She had seven children,
and although I was young, there was a dark time in her life, and I was
consoled by my father with the simple short words, "She's going through a
life change. It's called menopause."  My oldest sister offered me more
information, as I was quite worried about my mother who seemed to be
teary and blue for days and days at a time. My big sister told me it had
to do with not being able to have children any more. I was pleased with
that as I had such a large family, I could not see another sibling
entering our life...

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