Young entrepreneurs say, You Might As Well Talk Proud

Mon, Apr 2nd 2012, 11:45 AM


Bahamians everywhere
are known for their innovation
and creativity.  From the weaving of straw bags to the loud bang
of every Junkanoo bell and detailed dying of the Androsia cloth,
have learned to express themselves vibrantly and artistically.  The new
young Bahamian generation has followed in the footsteps of
their ancestors and has allowed their creativity to spark new and
business ventures.   One such business venture is Talk Proud

Talk Proud Bahamas was started by friends who sat around one
day having a friendly argument about their different political opinions.  
One of the friends switched the subject and started ranting about her
not being able to find a cell phone case that was hot enough for her
to represent with pride.   It was soon realized that there

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