City Markets eyes GB food store exit

Mon, Aug 30th 2010, 11:00 PM


Tribune Business Editor

CITY Markets was yesterday said by multiple grocery industry sources to be in negotiations with Grand Bahama food store, Sawyer's Fresh Market, to allow the latter to take over its Eight Mile Rock-based food store.

Neither company would confirm nor deny that the deal was in process when contacted by Tribune Business, although it appeared to be something of an 'open secret' in the Bahamian food retail and wholesale industry, not to mention Grand Bahama, with multiple sources confirming their knowledge of the talks.

One contact said: "Sawyer's are taking over Eight Mile Rock. It was told it was going to happen, and it was sort of l ...

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Cindy C  Wed, 2010/09/01 - 05:43 AM

this is just the tip of the iceburg they will have to close the store in the east when sheafer get goin like they did on independance an they already makin plans to close the doors at lyford cay

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