Ministry of Health and Wellness offers 'Foot Fest 2024' health screenings and treatment

Tue, Mar 5th 2024, 03:28 PM

The Ministry of Health and Wellness in collaboration with Barry University launched Foot Fest 2024with a press conference at the Ministry's headquarters on Meeting Street,  March 4. 

The Hon. Michael Darville, Minister of Health and Wellness, thanked Barry University for its assistance and said this collaboration highlights the strengthening of partnerships: Barry University has teamed up with the ministry in this way for the third year, and each year, more persons from Barry University participate.  Foot Fest provides free health screenings, diabetes education and foot exams and surgeries at clinics in New Providence, including Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre, March 3 - 8, and in Grand Bahama on March 6. 

The Ministry of Health and Wellness in collaboration with Barry University launched Foot Fest 2024
with a press conference at the Ministry's headquarters on Meeting Street,  March 4.  The Hon. Michael Darville, Minister of Health and Wellness, thanked Barry University for its assistance and said this collaboration highlights the strengthening of partnerships: Barry University has teamed up with the ministry in this way for the third year, and each year, more persons from Barry University participate.  Foot Fest provides free health screenings, diabetes education and foot exams and surgeries at clinics in New Providence, including Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre, March 3 - 8, and in Grand Bahama on March 6. 
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