Safeguard your institution’s data

Sun, Aug 28th 2022, 11:03 AM

To investigate computer-related issues or audit incidents of cyberattacks, digital forensics uses scientific techniques to retrieve data from digital sources. In accordance with standard incident response steps, digital forensics procedures include preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery, and lessons learned. Okereafor & Adebola  (2020) claim that it is common for organisations to be negligent and ignorant of, or lukewarm to cybersecurity policies and standards, which can pose challenges to digital forensics. It is well known and published that the breakdowns above cause reputational and financial damage when exploited by bad actors.

 In this article, the writer will briefly discuss several measures institutions can take to identify risks and safeguard their data from cybercriminals.

 Data Classification

The adoption of a data classification model in accordance with global standards and in alignment with the data sets of a corporate organisation is a mandatory requirement. This crucial step sets a pathway to categorising data based on relevance, criticality, and value. In the absence of appropriate classification of data, it can be difficult to determine what constitutes a breach of privacy or where the line should be drawn between open data and privacy intrusions. This write subscribes to the data classifications of (1) restricted or confidential data, (2) sensitive data, and (3) unrestricted or public data.

 Understanding possible risks to data security

Various types of threats to data security may exist. An unauthorised third-party vendor may gain access to the data. Furthermore, malicious or bad actors could attempt to obtain access to confidential information for financial or other purposes. Moreover, a variety of events may result in the loss or destruction of data by accident.

 Mitigating the identified threats

Following are a few measures that organisations should consider implementing in order to minimise these threats. Installing anti-virus software, intrusion detection systems and firewalls to provide robust security. The establishment and enforcement of policies and procedures regarding the use of information technologies and data, including password requirements and access limitations. Monitoring and evaluating risk to identify vulnerabilities and prioritise remediation efforts on a systematic and board-approved basis. Data encryption during transit as well as at rest.

 Incident response plan implementation

In the event that a data security breach occurs, a comprehensive incident response plan should be preestablished, circulated and tested for efficiencies and inefficiencies. In order to develop an incident response plan, the following elements should be included. Firstly, the designation of key personnel who will respond to a breach. As a second step, an assessment of the scope and nature of the breach should be conducted. Third, containment of the breach in order to prevent further unauthorised access to sensitive information. Fourthly, law enforcement should be notified, if necessary. As a fifth step, data and systems must be restored. A final step in improving data security posture within the organisation and establishing a robust incident response plan would be to evaluate the incident and identify lessons learned. 


In short, cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated, which means that organisations and individuals need to protect their data. It is important for the organisation to establish the exact level of protection that should be accorded to every digital asset through a clearly defined classification process. Security technologies and procedures can be implemented by organisations to protect themselves, risk assessments can be conducted periodically, and incident response plans can be developed.

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