'No one allowed to own land that belongs to govt'

Tue, Jun 21st 2022, 01:00 PM

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe has defended the 14-day timeframe given to squatters to vacate Crown Land, saying no one will be allowed to own land that belongs to the government.

Last Friday, Mr Munroe issued the warning after a family was discovered to be living in the National Pine Forest.

Since then, the Davis administration has received some backlash for its approach to handling the issue compared with squatters in places such as shanty towns.

Mr Munroe stressed Crown Land belongs to the government of The Bahamas compared with private land where the illegal communities are located.

“If you permit people to squat on your property after 12 years, they will own it, that’s what the law of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas says,” Mr Munroe said. “Shanty towns, from what I am to understand, are on leased land from private homeowners.”

Mr Munroe explained that the issue the government has with shanty towns is the construction of illegal buildings.

“We don’t own privately owned land; the people do own Crown Land. And as we are instructed, we will not permit people to squat on public land,” Mr Munroe said.

He said that it amazes him that some people think it’s acceptable to occupy any piece of property they like.

Recently after touring acres of deforested areas in a National Pine Forest ride along in the Carmichael Road area, the National Security minister discovered a family had been living there illegally in a school bus.

Yesterday, he told reporters the Department of Social Services was made aware of the situation.

He said it is now for the family to seek assistance.

“You cannot force people to get help. It will be available if they take it up. If they don’t take it up, then they will not take it up. But they, like all other persons trespassing, will have to move,” he added.

Mr Munroe said the Royal Bahamas Defence Force will be in charge of executing the plan of clearing illegal activities on Crown Land.

Click here to read more at The Tribune

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