Should Christians be involved in politics

Thu, Sep 2nd 2021, 08:07 AM

Should Christians be involved in politics? This question may seem silly on the surface, but it has been and continues to be a subject of debate within the church and in society in general. Many church leaders throughout history have preached separation from the world and its systems. Others have taken the scripture that says we should be separate and to come out from among them to mean we separate ourselves from the affairs of the world and focus on Godly pursuits, leaving the secular world to govern.

Others have surmised that politics is a dirty game, and we could become tarnished by involvement and led into compromise and corruption by becoming intimately involved. These arguments show a lack of understanding of the role of a Christian in the world from a Biblical perspective.

We are taught to be in the world but not of it. This means that you function in the world’s system but don’t subscribe to the pervading philosophy of the world. Jesus himself said to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Is politics a world? If it is, how do we go into it by separating ourselves to the extent that we do not participate in the political process?

The answer to this question is fairly simple but requires an understanding of who a Christian (kingdom citizen) is and what our mandate is. Christians are referred to by the Bible as ambassadors, agents of a spiritual invisible kingdom on earth. We are told to live life in a way that others will see and be drawn to the “light” in us and thus convinced of the veracity of our “kingdom”.

Our job, essentially, is to represent the values and principles of the kingdom of God wherever we exist and in any system that we are a part of or have the opportunity to be a part of. How can we expect righteous government if all of the righteous people refuse to serve in government or the governing process?

The question is not if, it is more so: how? If we understand the meaning of the word politics, it is then easy to understand that we must be involved in politics because politics is the means through which power, policies, resources and laws are implemented. If you are not at the table, you become a victim of the negotiations. If you want Christian values in politics, it will only happen if the people who possess those values and subscribe to them are in a position to exhibit them for others to see.

Not only should we be involved, it is our duty as citizens of our country of residence (Bahamas) and a responsibility to represent our country and kingdom (Heaven – kingdom of God) we have pledged allegiance to. Jesus stated that we should be the light of the world and that the light should not hide. He stated that we should be set on a hill to demonstrate to the world the attributes and benefits of the kingdom. The Bible also reminds us that the nation rejoices when the righteous are in power. How can the righteous be in power or influence policies if they decide to remain separated and hidden?

We may be separated in thinking, behavior and conduct, but we cannot disappear as the world needs righteous influence and input. If we sit on the sidelines and allow policies to be enacted that negatively affect ourselves and our fellow citizens, then we become guilty of negligence and even complicity. The church stayed on the sidelines in Germany and Italy while brutal dictators killed millions. We cannot afford to stay on the sidelines. The church in the United States did not stay on the sidelines of the Civil Rights Movement and led to massive impact that has reverberated across the globe and through generations.

Click here to read more at The Nassau Guardian

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