Fight Wrinkles With This Breathing Exercise

Fri, Jul 23rd 2010, 12:00 AM

Take a deep breath. Now let it out. Breathe in again. Breathe out. In. Out. Slowly. Evenly. Feel better? More relaxed? Good. You might look better when you are done, too, because studies show that stress does more than rumple your mood. It may actually help rumple your face, too.

Stress can cause wrinkles. How? By increasing the production of cortisol - a stress hormone that also stymies collagen production, one of the natural substances skin needs in order to plump itself, repair itself, and keep wrinkles at bay. Another antiwrinkle strategy? Don’t skimp on sleep. Sleep deprivation exacerbates stress and a haggard appearance.

Have more sex. Besides boosting beta-endorphins, making love and cuddling with your significant other increases levels of the tension-squashing, feel-good hormones prolactin and oxytocin. End the love affair with your couch. Exercise jacks up your beta-endorphins, too. And it also releases pent up energy and increases blood flow - all of which your skin will love.


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