Five Officially Sworn in as Queen's Counsel

Mon, Sep 14th 2020, 05:18 PM


• Mr. John F. Wilson, Q.C., Senior Partner at McKinney Bancroft & Hughes.

• Mr. Ferron Bethell, Q.C., Partner at Harry B Sands Lobosky & Company.

• Mr. Cedric L. Parker, Q.C., Founding Partner of Cedric L. Parker & Co.

• Mr. Michael R. Scott, Q.C., Founding Partner of Scott & Co.

• Mrs. Krystal D. Rolle, Q.C., Partner at Rolle & Rolle.

o Mrs. Rolle is the second female Q.C. in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and currently the youngest.

Sir Brian Moree Q.C., Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, addressing the Queen’s Counsel

Hon. Carl Bethel Q.C., Attorney General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas presenting the motion to admit the Queen’s Counsel to the Inner Bar.

Mrs. Camille Darville-Gomez, Registrar of the Supreme Court reading the Letters Patent

Mr. Michael Scott Q.C., making his Declaration of Queen’s Counsel

Mr. Michael Scott Q.C., addressing the court as a member of the Inner Bar

Mr. Cedric Parker Q.C., making his Declaration of Queen’s Counsel

Mr. Cedric Parker Q.C., addressing the court as a member of the Inner Bar

Mr. Ferron Bethel Q.C., addressing the court as a member of the Inner Bar

Mr. John Wilson Q.C., addressing the court as a member of the Inner Bar

Mr. John Wilson Q.C., making his Declaration of Queen’s Counsel

Mrs. Krystal Rolle Q.C., making her Declaration of Queen’s Counsel

Mrs. Krystal Rolle Q.C., addressing the court as a member of the Inner Bar

Mr. Ferron Bethel Q.C., Mr. Cedric Parker Q.C., Mr. Michael Scott Q.C., Mr. John Wilson Q.C., Mrs. Krystal Rolle Q.C., Mr. Khalil Parker, President of the Bahamas Bar Association and Carl Bethel Q.C, the Attorney General

front- Mrs. Camille Darville-Gomez, Registrar of the Supreme Court, Sir Brian Moree Q.C., Chief Justice, Carl Bethel Q.C, the Attorney General, back- Khalil Parker, President of the Bahamas Bar Association, Mrs. Krystal Rolle Q.C., Mr. John Wilson Q.C., Mr. Ferron Bethell Q.C., Mr. Michael Scott Q.C., and Mr. Cedric Parker Q.C.

New Queen’s Counsel - Mr. John Wilson Q.C., Mrs. Krystal D. Rolle, Mr. Ferron Bethell Q.C., Mr. Michael Scott Q.C., and Mr. Cedric Parker Q.C.

ThinQ Studios

Stephan J Rolle

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