U.S. Embassy Co-Sponsors Underground Railroad Conference

Mon, May 10th 2010, 12:00 AM

The United States Embassy in Nassau is co-sponsoring a conference to explore how the Bahamas and the US can collectively promote understanding of international connections of the Underground Railroad.

To begin the process of documenting this important connection between The Bahamas and the United States, two program managers from the National Park Service Network to Freedom Program will travel to Nassau and Andros. The Network to Freedom Program has the mission of commemorating the Underground Railroad legacy worldwide.

With this conference they plan to explore ways the Bahamas and the United States can collectively promote the international connection of the Underground Railroad through historic education, preservation and heritage tourism. The National Park Service representatives will tour, learn from and lend their expertise at several historical sites, including The Red Bay settlement, Gambier Village, Clifton Heritage and Delancey Town —sites that are all associated with the Underground Railroad history of the United States.

The National Park Service is looking forward to collaborating with the Bahamian government and community to develop a range of programs and preservation efforts to document this Important story. Click here to read more in The Tribune

Click here to read more from the Embassy of The United States Click here to read more in The Tribune

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