27 couples representing over 584 years of marriage worship together

Wed, Jan 25th 2017, 11:24 PM

It was an awe-inspiring moment as 27 couples, representing over 584 years of marriage, and all alumni of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Nassau's Marriage Renewal Weekend came together at a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Patrick Pinder at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral on Sunday, January 22.
Pinder reflected on the importance of family, Christian Unity Week, and marriage and the family as an integral part of the success of the community.
"The sacrament of marriage is a great act of faith and love; a witness to the courage to believe in the beauty of the creative act of God and to live that love that is always urging us to go on, beyond ourselves and even beyond our own family," said Pinder, quoting Pope Francis.
Agatha Cartwright, director of the Office of Family Life, said it was gratifying and heartwarming to see so many couples sharing in the celebration of the Mass and the meal that followed.
"We truly broke bread together. It was awesome indeed!"
The coming together of couples came as February 10-12 marks the 10th annual Marriage Renewal Weekend conducted by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Nassau.
The marriage renewal program is a unique approach aimed at revitalizing the Christian marriage. It is designed to give married couples the opportunity to examine their lives together -- to share their feelings, hopes, disappointments, joys and frustrations, and to do so openly and honestly in a face-to-face, heart-to-heart encounter with the one person they chose to live with for the rest of their lives.
The emphasis of marriage renewal is on communication between husband and wife, who spend a weekend together away from the distractions and the tensions of everyday life to concentrate on each other. This is a time for couples to rediscover each other and together focus on their relationship.
During the weekend, presentations are made by a team of couples and a Catholic priest; each presentation allows spouses an opportunity to look at themselves as individuals, to look at their marriage and their relationship to each other, and at the couples' relationship to God, the church and the world. The weekend is open to couples of all faiths.
Participation in the Marriage Renewal Weekend is $200 per couple and includes accommodations and meals. Information can be obtained from the Office of Family Life at 322-8919 or on the website:https://faithfulunion.wordpress.com/

Click here to read more at The Nassau Guardian

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