Who can speak to the Rubis leak review

Sat, May 14th 2016, 08:49 AM

Dear editor,

If Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson can't speak to the progress of the Rubis gasoline leak review, who on Earth can?

Allyson Maynard-Gibson.

If I remember correctly, it was Maynard Gibson who apologized for her government's silence for nearly two years after it learned of the dangerous leak. It was she who announced that a review would be conducted into the reasons behind the government delay in warning the residents of Marathon that their soil and water supply may be contaminated.

Now, almost exactly a year after that announcement the AG is telling the press that she is the wrong person to speak to that review. Surely, someone in her government is able to update the public on this most important issue perhaps Jerome Fitzgerald, the MP for the victims of this terrible mess. Then again, he has already told us his reason for silence coming clean with his constituents about the toxic chemicals threatening their health might have cost him his Cabinet position.

Cabinet, then, we must assume, wanted the matter kept behind closed doors. If this is the case, Prime Minister Perry Christie himself must be the right person to update us on the progress of this review.

Of course, it is unclear why a review was needed at all. The government could have saved a great deal of time and effort by simply explaining to the public in the first place why it chose to conceal such a serious public health hazard for so long.

- Tom Paine

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