Minimally Invasive and Effective Procedure: Arthroscopy Evaluates and Treats Common Sport Injuries

Wed, Mar 16th 2016, 03:24 PM

According to the latest study conducted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission's National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), more than 1.9 million individuals had a sports-related injury that was treated in the recent years. More than 231,000 injuries were treated, 83 percent of the injuries were among men. Among those hand and wrists injuries were the most frequently acquiring inquiries facing athletes today. 

Dr. Alejandro Badia renowned Upper Extremity and Hand Surgeon, Medical Director of the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center and founder of OrthoNOW in Doral, Florida, incorporates Accelerated Recovery Performance (ARP) Wave Therapy, a non-invasive, non-surgical approach to treating chronic and acute pain which focuses on the neurological origin not the physiological symptoms to significantly speed up the body’s natural recuperative ability, and Arthroscopy in his specialized approach in treating chronic and acute pain, sprains, strains, fractures including sports related and occupational injuries, giving patients a start-to-finish treatment that ensures they are treated and cared for correctly the first time.

The most common sports-related hand and wrist injuries can be classified into two main categories, traumatic (acute) and Overuse (chronic). “Major fractures of the hand or wrist occur only during high-speed contact or in older athletes. Complex fractures below the elbow have a great variation in the fracture patterns. Fractures of the upper arm can also be treated using Arthroscopy.” – States Dr. Alejandro Badia, Leading Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeon at Badia Hand to Shoulder Center.

As a minimal invasive surgical procedure Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat problems inside a joint. Arthroscopy utilizes a fiberoptic technology with a viewing monitor called an arthroscope that enables the surgeon to see inside the joint without making large incisions into the muscle and tissue. The hand and wrist is a complex joint with multiple bones and many connecting ligaments. Arthroscopic surgery can be used to diagnose and treat a number of conditions associated with hand and wrist, including chronic pain, fractures, ganglion cysts, and ligament tears.

“Arthroscopy is minimally invasive meaning patients are able to start their recovery sooner. By leaving little to no scarring, it reduces the risk of infection, which allows the patient to return to their life quickly and with a minimal amount of discomfort.”- Continued Dr. Badia. Given this precise treatment, a professional or sportsman should be able to return to their regular lifestyle after sustaining an injury to their hand, wrist, or shoulder within a few weeks.



Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS is a hand and upper extremity surgeon at Badia Hand to Shoulder Center, a fully integrated clinical facility for the upper limb, including Hand, Wrist, Shoulder and Elbow, located in Doral, Florida.  Dr. Badia was educated at Cornell and NYU, trained in orthopedics at Bellevue Hospital/NYU Medical Center, followed with a hand/microsurgery fellowship

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