Quiet periods

Sun, Jan 3rd 2016, 11:04 PM

The topic which I'm dealing with today is an extremely important one believe me, and one which I will continue to highlight as often as I can, even-though I might sound repetitive. All of the Great Thinkers and Purveyors of Wisdom down through the ages have advocated that we make sure to allocate some 'Quiet Periods' in our daily schedules. I know that for years now, I have spent the first fifteen to twenty minutes upon awakening each morning in silent meditation. Before retiring at night I do likewise. Then, depending on how busy my schedule is, I spend other 'Quiet Periods' in the silence.

I don't believe that anyone would dispute The Fact, that the present day world in which we all live is an extremely noisy one. But My Friend, for you to be able to think clearly about your life and plan your daily schedule, you most definitely need to get away from the noisy environment which you may be subjected to, and just be quiet. This is vital to your overall development and ultimate success in life.

Of course from a Spiritual Perspective, it's imperative from where I come, to spend some 'Quiet Periods' alone in The Silence with The Creator or as the late Dr. Wayne Dyer would put it; you've got to get back to 'Source'...... yes you do!

So My Friend, in conclusion, I'm asking you directly here today to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and then make absolutely sure that you schedule some 'Quiet Periods' in your daily routine so that you can think clearly about your goals and overall life, and also commune with your 'Source'. Believe me you'll be glad you did.

o Think about it!
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