What goes around will surely come around

Wed, Feb 4th 2015, 11:57 PM

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. - Ecclesiastes 11:1

Some years ago I came across an interesting article printed in "The Times of The Islands" magazine. The contribution called "Island Culture" concerned folk tales and storytelling. David Bowen, cultural officer for the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board at the time had this to say, "The art of storytelling [or, as the old folks say "talking of stories,] like much of our cultural heritage is hardly ever practiced these days. We are a nation of short attention spans, addicts to the quick thrill.

The television and cable remote control are forever taking us from one adventure to another in the wink of an eye. We never seem to be satisfied with one program, we have to see it all, and the less we use our imagination the better. It is easy to see why the simple art of the oral tradition of storytelling is almost extinct not only here in the Turks and Caicos, but all over the world. People simply have no time to sit and listen."

Continuing Mr. Bowes said "In the past, the oral tradition of storytelling was the way information was passed down from generation to generation. The animal stories in the Caribbean have links to African-American tales of the Uncle Remus tradition; our British and European connection brought stories by Hans Christian Andersen such as the "Little Mermaid", and the "Aesop's Fables" with their ancient Greek roots and wonderful morals and lessons." He then went on to give an example of "Aesop's Fables" with the story of "The Ant and the Dove".

"An ant, going to a river to drink fell in and was carried along in the stream. A dove seeing this plucked a leaf from a tree and let it fall close to the ant. The ant climbed onto it and floated safely to the bank. Shortly afterwards the ant saw a man aiming a slingshot at the dove and stung him on the foot sharply making him miss his aim and so saved the dove's life." The moral of the story: one good turn deserves another, or little friends may prove great friends.

The Bible is the greatest book of stories for both young and old, and there are many morals too. But like Mr. Bowen said in his article about the art of storytelling becoming obsolete, it is true about others, especially parents telling the beautiful stories of the Bible to their children. How many parents are taking the time to read at bedtime, stories from the Old and New Testament. In place, the television and other gadgets and games take control of their young and inquiring minds.

The language of Ecclesiastes is unique. The writer of the book, David's son, King Solomon, demonstrates the vanity of all things, that life is full of disappointment for man unless he makes the approval of God his great object knowing that after death there is a judgment.

In our text today, there is a call for us to put some bread on the waters so that the flow will bring it back to us. Many people are only concerned about putting bread on the tables of their families and friends without any thought of the table of others placed in the category of less fortunate.

Indeed the call is not only urgent, but of the utmost necessity, that as a nation, a people, families, neighbors, friends and individuals should extend the hand of kindness to others. There are so many areas where that hand of kindness may be extended, and may I say blessings to all those who have been the hand extended to those parents in the readying of children for the opening of school.

Cast thy bread. It is not time to be stingy, and possessing the hoarding spirit when it is time of give of your service, your love, your due diligence, your motherly and fatherly advice, your upward advancement of the careers of others, your encouragement, your knowledge upon the waters of the lives of others. We are to be always mindful that the storytelling of our lives will not be measured by headlines, but by the impact of our being from day to day. No day should be missed without the rendering of some deed of kindness.

Those of you who have, whatever it may be, must give if multiple blessings are going to flow your way. You are going to need your sight, your strength, your health, the use of your limbs, the use of your voice, the use of your mental faculties and most of all multiple for your space here on this earth. Like the story of the ant and the dove, something must be given if something must be received. If we are to receive blessings from our heavenly Father above, something must go up before something is sent down, that something being obedience to his Word and his stories.

As we stand at the shore of time, may God help us to cast to the outgoing tide all that is good, pure and just, so that what goes around will surely come around.

o E-mail rubyanndarling@yahoo.com, inbox me on Facebook, or write to P.O. Box 19725 SS Nassau, Bahamas with your prayer requests, concerns and comments. God's Blessings!

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