Dr. Myles Munroe's moral stance on homosexuality

Wed, Mar 26th 2014, 11:07 AM

Dear Editor,
World-renowned pastor Dr. Myles Munroe has the country up in arms over comments he made several weeks ago about Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell. In a nutshell, Munroe basically wants the minister removed from his post because he feels that Mitchell is supporting an agenda that is ungodly and wrong.
Munroe has received sharp criticism from his statements from the local and international communities. There seems to be a shift toward persons who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) and there is strong support from the West that it is wrong to discriminate against persons of these orientations. U.S. President Barack Obama has pledged his support for the GLBT agenda. He has even praised people of fame for coming out of the closet, the most notable and recent being NBA veteran Jason Collins.
If we go deeper into what everyone is saying, we must first look at the source and what they stand for or represent. Munroe is a man of God and he believes in the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it give credence to men sleeping with men or women sleeping with woman. I wonder what would have been the reaction to Munroe's statement if he said that he supports GLBT lifestyles? Would the U.S. president have sent him a note too and supported his stance?
Fred Mitchell is a politician and we must realize that politicians always have shifting views on various subjects. I think it is dangerous to sit idly by and allow politicians to become our moral leaders and dictate to us because we will always have confusion and chaos.
In lieu of Munroe's statements, Mitchell sought fit to publicly bash him. I think this was in poor taste. When we have persons, especially politicians, publicly bashing our church leaders for biblical values that are entrenched in the Holy Bible and there is no public outcry, we then see how far our values have shifted as a country. I am of the view that if persons are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered then so be it. But I think that trying to convince the masses that this lifestyle is okay, to me, is being dishonest, deceitful and ungodly.
I honestly don't know if there is a scientific reason why persons are GLBT, but I do know that persons who truly believe in the Bible cannot support lifestyles that go contrary to God's teachings. Persons who are truly of God cannot have shifting views about their sexuality and this is why Munroe's statements as a man of God are on point. The criticisms leveled against him are certainly uncanny and distasteful.
Many world leaders and celebrities of all walks of life have given public support for the GLBT agenda. Many of them have their different desires and views on this subject but we must always remember the source - that is, who is making these utterances.
Our value system has deteriorated as a people and as a world. We are more tolerant of many things these days. We now have married men and women openly having sweethearts, school children hugging each other while walking home, persons in the church choir who are perpetrators of sin and known criminals in high office who are deserving of long prison sentences. Jean Toomer said, "Acceptance of prevailing standards often means we have no standards of our own."
I hate to say this but enshrined in our preamble to the constitution it clearly says that we are a nation of God. We can't have it both ways. If we don't do it the way God teaches us then we are acting contrary to His will.
I applaud Munroe for having the grit to speak biblically on this matter and I hope that persons understand that all of us are still God's people but that there are certain standards that must be maintained if we are calling ourselves Christians.
- Dehavilland Moss

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