Excerpts from Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis' contribution to the debate on National Health Insurance

Thu, Aug 18th 2016, 04:16 PM

FNM Leader, Hon Dr. Hubert A. Minnis in his contribution to the debate on National Health Insurance in parliament on August 15th, 2016, insisted that the lack of a National Health Insurance plan is NOT what is causing deaths, but rather he suggested that it was over-crowded Emergency Rooms (causing patients to leave without being seen), not enough available beds for patient admission, wastage with no accountability, which reduces funding, and possibly even the lack of laws which allow medication to come into the country unregulated and more....he also insisted that this first phase of NHI is not what is needed. He said primary health care is already being offered and that Bahamians need catastrophic health care.

"The healthcare system is ill. The problem is funds. As in any disease process, you look for the cause. You treat the problem but you MUST find the CAUSE. If you don't treat or find the cause, you will have the problem again. The problem here is wastage! You're treating the problem temporarily by infusion of funds today, but tomorrow you will have to infuse more and cause more stress, pain and suffering on the Bahamian populous." - Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis

Source: Keepers of the Flame

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