Dig it up!

Wed, Sep 23rd 2015, 11:59 AM

As is my custom, most Sunday mornings I tune into Joel Osteen as he presents an inspiring and motivating message, which is always on point.
Recently he was highlighting the fact that many had great aspirations, dreams about achieving certain goals in life, which somehow got left behind and thus the dream got buried, so to speak and has remained dead deep within our consciousness. Well, I'm suggesting here today, that when the scenario that I've just outlined here today, which Joel spoke about applies, one needs to do as today's title suggests, and that is to dig it up.

Yes my friend, today's the day for you to dig up your old dreams, the ones you so very excitedly dreamt about some time back which just never materialized. That's right, today's the day for old dreams to be resurrected thus producing a whole new feeling of optimism and anticipation of great things to come.

It really doesn't matter why you actually abandoned your dreams. All that matters is that you now dig them up and start life afresh with a totally positive attitude.

It is as if you've been born again, as an air of pure excitement grips you, propelling you forward on the road to success where you will indeed reach new heights of accomplishment and become immensely successful as you sing out loud oh happy day.

Yes my friend, today's a whole new day -- an exciting new beginning to your life as you dig deep and uncover all of your long lost dreams.

Today is indeed the first day of the rest of your life, a life that is totally renewed with a most wonderful feeling of excitement, enthusiasm and expectancy of great things to come. As you pursue some of your resurrected dreams with great passion, you will come alive as never before and thus build a whole new life.

o Think about it!
Visit my website at: www.dpaulreilly.com.
Listen to "Time to Think" the radio program on STAR 106.5 FM at 8:55 a.m. & 6:20 p.m.

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