BNT Earth Day Message

Wed, Apr 22nd 2015, 10:10 AM

This year’s Earth Day theme “it’s our time to lead” resonates profoundly with the Bahamas National Trust and our mission to engage our nation’s youth in environmental stewardship. 

Currently the BNT hosts nationwide youth programs like Discovery Club, Navigators, Eco-Camp and summer camps which promote experiential learning and encourages ownership of the fragile Bahamian landscape. These programs have a track record of encouraging young persons to pursue careers in marine and environmental sciences. Initiatives such as these inevitably contribute to the growing number of tomorrow’s environmental leaders.

As the Bahamas’ leading environmental organization and the only non-profit with legislative authority to manage our country’s national park system, we pride ourselves on the hiring, promoting and succession of young educated professionals. Eager to succeed, these young mavens will lead our charge for generations to come. The BNT’s Education, Science, Park Management and Development departments are all spearheaded by young Bahamians who have bring with them, cutting edge knowledge of environmental and business best practices. It is this knowledge that will take our organization to the next level and ultimately lead The Bahamas to becoming the most progressive, green country in the Caribbean region.

It is truly our time to lead. In 2015 with so many environmental issues facing our small country it is imperative that every citizen take up the mantle to become our nation’s keepers.Join the movement today, become a BNT member, follow us on social media, stay informed and take the lead.

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