Castrol Quote of the day: January 28, 2015

Thu, Jan 29th 2015, 08:00 AM


Castrol Quote of the day: January 28, 2015
"Doctors have always advised 
that it's best to read the
labels of everything we put
into our bodies. The same
is true of anything we put
into our engines. We stand
ready to address or assist with 
anything you read on those
labels that maybe confusing."

Castrol Quote of the day: January 28, 2015

"Doctors have always advised that it's best to read the

labels of everything we put

into our bodies. The same

is true of anything we put

into our engines. We stand

ready to address or assist with anything you read on those

labels that maybe confusing."

Tip brought to you by Bay Street Garage. Visit our listing page on

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