
If you are getting married, then you would want to get pre-marriage counseling. Consider it a requirement to get married. Barrington Brennen can help you prepare for marriage. Ideally, a couple should begin pre-marriage counseling between six and eighteen months before the wedding day. However, couples can begin pre-marriage counseling sessions closer to the wedding day. Note however, sufficient time is needed for effective evaluation, assimilation, and application of information learned. During the first session the couple will do two short questionnaires to discover their readiness for a relationship. During the first week (on their own time) the couple will do an online inventory call Prepare Enrich to provide assessment. As a part of the counseling process over eight sessions, the couple will do the following and more: Write a couple mission statement, Build a couple budget, Discuss contraception, Discus roles, Draft schedule of chores, etc.


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Hampshire Street off West Bay Street, Nassau, Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas

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Marriage & Family Counseling Services

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