
AT PANDORA’S BOX, WE ARE COMMITTED TO BEING THE NUMBER ONE SUPPLIER OF LINGERIE. Founded in 2018, what started out as a hobby and side gig bloomed into something so much bigger and worthwhile. With the vision of providing women in Nassau and eventually the surrounding family islands uninhibitedly with unique and quality lingerie pieces, Pandora’s Box discovered a lack of variety in styles and sizes. This very factor was the driving force that led to the decision to further establish Pandora’s Box. We are relentless in our pursuit to provide women of ALL shapes and sizes with unique and quality lingerie items that can be worn in confidence. To offer every woman the confidence, comfort and choice she deserves, we are committed to listening and reacting to the needs of women and honoring their values. Our aim is to create a body positive brand that is capable of making anyone who wears it feel absolutely beautiful!


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Online, Nassau, Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas

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