
At The Pest Destructo Co., we know only too well how pests can make your life unnecessarily difficult on so many levels. What you need are comprehensive, effective solutions to rid your home of insects like termites, roaches or any other pests that are causing damage to your property or to your health. Over the four years since our launch, we have proven our commitment in providing each and every client with the safest and most effective pest control solutions possible. We place a premium on hiring the most skilled experts in the field, training them to offer you courteous, proactive assistance in the form of a robust pest management service, so that you get the best possible value for the money you spend. Backed by the latest tried, tested and proven technology, we pride ourselves on giving you eco-friendly pest control services that you will be happy to recommend to others.
Residential & Commercial Pest Management Services.


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48 Pine Cone Road, Nassau, Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas, South Beach

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