
Cloud Carib, a Citrix-certified and VMware-certified partner in the Bahamas, offers a range of world-class cloud computing and IT solutions, with a core focus on infrastructure and application virtualization. Headquartered in Nassau and servicing the Caribbean region, Cloud Carib enables huge cost savings and operational improvements in organizations of all sizes. The company provides cloud computing solutions and services to customers in the government, financial, hospitality and healthcare markets.

Cloud computing firm to host data centres in Bahamas

Cloud computing firm Cloud Carib has become the first company in Latin America and the Caribbean to gain Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (Iaas) certification from IT giant VMware allowing it to host virtual data centres and offer businesses more efficient IT services, reduced electricity costs and flexible billing.

Based in The Bahamas, Cloud Carib helps companies transform their IT infrastructure by moving their data to the cloud where it can be stored remotely. This allows for more streamlined services, reduced administrative costs and greater data capacity.

Using VMware's vCloud platform, Cloud Carib can securely host and maintain all aspects of a client's IT infrastructure. It is specifically targetted towards businesses that rely on a secure, compliant and efficient system such as banks, government agencies and law firms.

We are introducing a proven, world-class offering to the Caribbean market enabling firms that are looking to take advantage of the latest best-in-class cloud technologies supported by VMware, without the associated up-front capital investment, says Cloud Carib advisory board member Anthony Giorgi.

In assisting clients with becoming cloud ready, Cloud Carib also provides a cloud migration service. The company's new offshore cloud Iaas product is offered with limited availability existing clients will have priority access, with additional slots offered in 2013.

According to market intelligence firm, International Data Corp, worldwide spending on professional services related to building or implementing cloud services revenue will grow 44 per cent over the next five years reaching $16.7 billion in 2015.


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Mariner Hall, Sea Sky Lane, Nassau, Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas, Sandyport

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April 12, 2012 ccl_bs

Cloud Carib Limited

Enterprise-class Caribbean Cloud Computing Solutions

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