BIFF 2016 | DIVA Enemy of the People

Saturday 10th December 2016  12:00 PM

Join us for the 13th Annual Bahamas International Film Festival December 5-11, 2016, with films showing in Harbour Island and Nassau.

Film: DIVA Enemy of the People

BIFF 2016 | DIVA Enemy of the People

A tale of fashion and rebellion in paradise.
Parisian crossdresser Vincent travels to his homeland, the small Caribbean Island of St Lucia to stage the fashion show of his dreams. On an Island of fierce sexual politics, his arrival sparks immediate controversy with his flamboyant persona and sexuality splitting public opinion.

Vincent is an edgy, cutting, passionate, and witty character who is known for his love of women?s clothing, in particular high heels. He is also not without ego and sees himself as a potential saviour to the Island?s fashion industry.
Throughout, Vincent trains a group of young, inexperienced, aspiring models, with whom he forms a unique bond of friendship and loyalty. But from his arrival on the Island, Vincent begins to criticise the local fashion industry leading to resentment from some of the Islands? elite. It is not long before Vincent is fighting local hostilities, homophobia, and Island Officials.
Vincent and his fashion show soon become a direct challenge to the Island's status quo and the Island's chief power broker.
And just 24 hours before the show, Vincent?s relationship with his co-producers completely breaks down. Tensions will rise, angers flare, and all goes wrong.

Monday, December 5 | 5:45pm | Romora Bay, Harbour Island

Friday, December 9 | 3:30pm | Galleria JFK Cinema Theatre 5

Saturday, December 10 | 12:00pm | Galleria JFK Cinema Theatre 2

For ticket information click here.

13th Annual Bahamas International Film Festival

Monthly Calendar