Profile : inosteelvn
Account summary
- Full name:
- Company:
- Ho Chi Minh
- Username:
- inosteelvn
- Town:
- Ho Chi Minh
- Country:
- Vietnam
- Gender:
- Male
- Date of birth:
- 10/16/1984
- Website:
- Sport:
- Inosteel chuyen san xuat va phan phoi toan quoc cac loai inox va thep nhu luoi inox luoi thep luoi mat cao tam inox ong inox hop inox la inox v inox dao may nghien€¦ voi quy mo lon Chung toi hoat dong hon 15 nam kinh nghiem trong nganh Voi nhieu may moc san xuat tu dong giup giam gia thanh nham muc dich tiet kiem chi phi den nguoi su dung Lay uy tin dat len hang dau cac san pham ve inox va thep deu duoc chung nhan chat luong theo tung mac thep Dat tieu chuan ISO 1400 Voi doi van chuyen chuyen nghiep giao hang tan noi nhanh chong dung thoi han du an Inosteel lay tam lam goc ban phat trien thi toi moi song duoc Vi vay voi su phuc vu het minh de dap ung tieu chuan dung ky thuat va chat luong nhung gia thanh thap nhat de ban yen tam 65B Tan Lap 2 Hiep Phu Thanh Pho Thu Duc Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh 0938 904 669
- Favorite countries:
- Vi»‡t Nam
Pictures / Photos
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