
We offer, Computer repair, Networking -Wired and Wireless, Security, Anti-Spy-Ware and Anti-Virus, Data Backup, Data Recovery and much more.If you need a website, custom software programming, seo, or need a site hosted we apply the same philosophy to all our services. Simply put, we will take good care of you.

In addition to PC repair, network support and structured wiring Computer Kingdom provides IT consulting services for small and mid-size businesses. Whether you run a church, restaurant, body shop, a retail store or a real estate office, there?s a certain level of technical expertise required for IT systems to run smoothly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

We will help you to make sense of the buzzwords and terminology such as cloud computing, VOIP Services, LAN, Gigabit Ethernet, search engine optimization, positioning etc. and understand how do they fit into your business operations.


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Queens Highway, Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas, DownTown

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