BIFF's Closing Night Gala Party

BIFF's Closing Night Gala Party

Sunday 9th December 2012  6:30 PM

BIFF's Closing Night Gala Party

Homeowner Kingsley Edgecombe invites us into his world of Paradise at Allure
Located at Ocean Club Estates.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
8:30pm (following THE SAPPHIRES, BIFF Closing Night Movie)

Invitation Donation - $150.00
RSVP a must
Fashion Show presented by Coles Of Nassau
Dress Code: Upscale Island Chic

The Bahamas International Film Festival is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the local Bahamian community and international visitors with a diverse presentation of films from around the world. In addition to offering films that might not otherwise be released theatrically in the Bahamas, BIFF will provide a unique cultural experience and set of educational programs and forums for exploring the past, present and future of cinema.

For all your inquiries information please visit our website at or call 242 - 356-5939 or 242 - 325-5747

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