
Counseling and Preparation for University and College. College Ready Bahamas seeks to ensure that every student in the Bahamas has access to a college education. Many families neglect to start this process soon enough. We aim to empower parents and children by providing them with information, assistance and support throughout the college preparation years. Our College Readiness Initiatives promote academic and personal development, encouraging students to excel and work hard with the goal in mind of a college education. Our evaluation and assessment process helps to provide parents and students with insight into their academic standing, to focus on extra curricular activity that enhances their life experience and their portfolio, and help students get admission to the best fit college/university and scholarship. The College Ready Bahamas team is on hand to guide students through the complicated process of applying for college and scholarships - whether it be the College of The Bahamas (COB), BTVI or an international institution.


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#1 Lysander Road, Stapledon Gardens, Nassau, Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas, Centerville

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