Toothy Perfection

Tue, Sep 27th 2011, 11:35 AM

Mother of two, Arnette Collie, knows how important it is to take care of her teeth, gums and mouth in its entirety.  During her early childhood through teenage years, she did not give her oral hygiene the kind of attention she needed to.  It eventually told on her.

Collie who had suffered with childhood diabetes says her lack of oral care really showed when she got pregnant with her first child, 13 years ago, exacerbating an ongoing gingivitis problem she had been plagued with and worsening a cavity she had ignored for months.  The level of pain and discomfort she had to endure during her pregnancy isn't something she would wish on her worst enemy.  It took that experience to force her to take her oral health care seriously.  Prior to that experience she says she had not known how closely linked taking care of her teeth was to her overall health.  Today it's of utmost importance and her children are not allowed to be lax about their oral care either.

"I do the whole brush your teeth twice or more a day, floss and visit my dentist every quarter, but when I was a teen or even younger I didn't really care.  I used to eat whatever I wanted, not caring if I brushed my teeth afterward or not.  I used to get cuts easily in my mouth and they wouldn't heal as well as they should due to my diabetes which was manageable back then.  I always missed dentist appointments and I remember once a filling dropped out and my tooth started to hurt, but instead of going to get it fixed, I just popped painkillers until I was forced to go.  Needless to say, I had terrible oral health.  It wasn't like I didn't know I needed to take better care but it wasn't all that important." Collie learned the error of her ways the hard way, and is strict on her children's oral well-being.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is a lot more important than the average person believes as the condition of the mouth is often a direct reflection of overall health says Dr. Gill Gibson-March, a dentist who operates out of Bayview Dental Center on East Bay Street.

"Studies have shown that there are links between your oral health and the health of other areas of your body as well.  For instance there are many systemic diseases that have oral manifestations.  There are links that indicate that many of these diseases are exacerbated or inhibited from healing due to poor oral health.  It has been shown that in diabetic persons where periodontal or gum disease is present, they often take a longer period to recover from a tooth extraction or overcome something like gingivitis.  In fact, it is found that some patients who have problems healing after an appointment with no prior health conditions often find out they do have diabetes or some other underlying issue that is resulting in their problem."
Dr. Gibson-March a 24 year-veteran says other issues that often arise include a low birth weight in babies of mothers who have poor oral health and/or lack sufficient calcium during the pregnancy.  

The dentist says heart-related illnesses are also sometimes linked to oral health as the blood from the gums is usually bacteria-laden and is the same supply that is transported to, and adversely affects the heart and other parts of the body.
Taking care of your teeth is more than enamel or gum deep.  The dentist says it is just as important to worry about having proper nutrition in order to maintain strong teeth from the inside.  Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, milk and water are essential to getting the right levels of vitamins and minerals the body needs to be regular.  Food and drinks that are highly acidic or full of processed sugar should be avoided as they can wear away the enamel and cause cavities, if you do not brush, floss and visit the dentist as often as you should.

"Visiting your dentist at least every six months if you are a person without dental issues, or as often as needed if you have a condition or a hereditary disposition for oral problems is another big step in taking care of your teeth," says Dr. Gibson-March.  "Most people think it's all about brushing and flossing, but staying regular with your dentist is just as important.  You can never really see what is going on in between your teeth or notice a serious problem setting in because you often do not know what to look for.  If you have a chronic systemic problem it is especially important that you [visit the dentist] often to maintain your oral health.  A good home regimen helps, but to ensure everything is the way it should be you need to visit your family dentist."

"Oral health is something no one is excluded from -- not even babies.  Children as young two-and-a half should be seen by a dentist because the medical professional needs to ensure the child's teeth are growing as they should, and parents are brushing the child's teeth as prescribed."

Dr. Gibson-March, says it is a myth to believe that just because children's first (or baby) teeth will drop out means you don't have to take care of them. "[Baby teeth] hurt just as much if they get cavities and children can develop periodontal issues if you ignore good hygiene from this age.  As a parent you should teach your kids how to brush their teeth properly and take care of their mouth early because they will need to continue good habits when they are older and you are not around."

There's nothing quite as beautiful as a child's smile.  With proper oral care at home, and regular dental visits, children can reach adulthood without experiencing tooth decay and other oral health problems.  The dentist says parents should teach their children the right way to approach oral health by their example which should interest and inspire children.

Dentists' areas of care include not only their patients' teeth and gums but also the muscles of the head, neck and jaw, the tongue, salivary glands and the nervous system of the head and neck and other areas.  During a comprehensive exam, dentists examine the teeth and gums and also look for lumps, swellings, discolorations, ulcerations -- any abnormality.  When appropriate, they perform procedures such as biopsies, diagnostic tests for chronic or infectious diseases, salivary gland function and screening tests for oral cancer.  Dentists can spot early warning signs in the mouth that may indicate disease elsewhere in the body.  Dentists' training also enables them to recognize situations that warrant referring patients for care by dental specialists or physicians.
Brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
Floss every day.
Limit the number of time you eat snacks each day.
Visit your dentist regularly.
Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth.  When combined with sugars from food and drinks, plaque bacteria produce acids that attack tooth enamel.  Repeated acid attacks can break down enamel and eventually result in tooth decay.
Frequent snacks in between meals expose teeth to repeated acid attacks.  For good dental and overall health, be sure your child eats a balanced diet with foods form the major food groups.
Be mindful of the effects of frequent consumption of sugary beverages including juices, sodas and sports drinks and non-nutritious snack foods.  If your child needs a between-meal snack, choose nutritious foods and save sweets for mealtime.
For children under the age of two, brush the teeth with water unless your child's dentist recommends otherwise.
For children over age two, a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste is all a child needs.  Be sure your child spits out and does not swallow the toothpaste.
By age seven, children may be able to brush their own teeth, but may require supervision until age 10 or 11.
Choose a child-size toothbrush.
Flossing is important to remove plaque from between teeth where a toothbrush can't reach.  At about age 10 or 11, your child should be able to clean between the teeth with floss or other interdental cleaner under your supervision.  Your child's dentist or hygienist can demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques.
Regular dental check-ups and preventive dental care, such as cleanings, fluoride treatments and sealants, provide your child with "smile" insurance.  Plan your child's first dental visit within six months after the first tooth erupts, but no later than the first birthday.  Consider it a "well baby checkup" for your child's teeth.  By age seven, it is recommended that every child receive an orthodontic evaluation.
Assess oral hygiene, injuries, cavities or other problems.
Determine your child's risk of developing tooth decay (cavities or caries).
Show how the teeth are developing and spot hidden decay by using x-rays.
May prevent or reduce the severity of malocclusions ("bad bite") in permanent teeth.
Provide key information to help you take care of your child's oral health.

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