Three Cabinet ministers set to attend the first harvest RBC and ADO’s partnership set to seed 400 backyard farming kits at St. James Road’s community wellness event this weekend

Thu, Apr 18th 2024, 09:56 AM

With three members of Cabinet set to attend the first harvest of a community garden off Kemp Road, hundreds of area residents will get a chance to learn farming basics or sharpen their green thumbs April 20 when the ADO (Agricultural Development Organization) and RBC partner to distribute 400 backyard farming kits at Pilgrim Baptist Church.

0n tap for the St. James Road agri-bonanza are Freetown MP and Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe, Minister of Agriculture & Marine Resources Jomo Campbell and State Minister for Environment Zane Lightbourne, who launched a twice-monthly farmers’ market in the Yamacraw constituency.

The upcoming event features interactive presentations with three experts including a talk on nutrition and lifestyle by Bahamas Wellness coach Justice Brown CHHC, and a demonstration of fitness with stretching by sports nutritionist and personal trainer Patrick Smith. It also features a presentation on growing mushrooms by Well Mudda Fungus COO Zakita Bethel.

“It has been incredibly exciting to see the enthusiasm of people all across The Bahamas rediscovering the joy of growing food in their own back yard,” said Philip Smith, ADO Executive Chairman.

RBC has also helped seed a community farm in Rolleville, Exuma, one of six ADO has planted along with farming projects at 23 schools across The Bahamas.

“We have made great progress, but we could not do it without great partners like RBC,” Smith said.

Just last week ADO joined forces with IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture), signing a contract to bring into fruition long-term goals which will allow a reduction of food imports by 25% and sustaining the development and education of agriculture in The Bahamas.

These 400 backyard kits will add to the 3,000 starter farms that were distributed in just over two years since ADO was founded.

The backyard farming kits contain all the basic essential items needed to get a kickstart on growing your own vegetable crops. These include a gallon bag of pro mix soil, a 72-cell seedling tray, four varieties of vegetable seeds, a gravity fed irrigation system and liquid fertilizer.

The event runs from 11 am to 2 pm. It is free and open to the public.

With three members of Cabinet set to attend the first harvest of a community garden off Kemp Road, hundreds of area residents will get a chance to learn farming basics or sharpen their green thumbs April 20 when the ADO (Agricultural Development Organization) and RBC partner to distribute 400 backyard farming kits at Pilgrim Baptist Church.
0n tap for the St. James Road agri-bonanza are Freetown MP and Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe, Minister of Agriculture & Marine Resources Jomo Campbell and State Minister for Environment Zane Lightbourne, who launched a twice-monthly farmers’ market in the Yamacraw constituency.
The upcoming event features interactive presentations with three experts including a talk on nutrition and lifestyle by Bahamas Wellness coach Justice Brown CHHC, and a demonstration of fitness with stretching by sports nutritionist and personal trainer Patrick Smith. It also features a presentation on growing mushrooms by Well Mudda Fungus COO Zakita Bethel.
“It has been incredibly exciting to see the enthusiasm of people all across The Bahamas rediscovering the joy of growing food in their own back yard,” said Philip Smith, ADO Executive Chairman.
RBC has also helped seed a community farm in Rolleville, Exuma, one of six ADO has planted along with farming projects at 23 schools across The Bahamas.
“We have made great progress, but we could not do it without great partners like RBC,” Smith said.
Just last week ADO joined forces with IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture), signing a contract to bring into fruition long-term goals which will allow a reduction of food imports by 25% and sustaining the development and education of agriculture in The Bahamas.
These 400 backyard kits will add to the 3,000 starter farms that were distributed in just over two years since ADO was founded.
The backyard farming kits contain all the basic essential items needed to get a kickstart on growing your own vegetable crops. These include a gallon bag of pro mix soil, a 72-cell seedling tray, four varieties of vegetable seeds, a gravity fed irrigation system and liquid fertilizer.
The event runs from 11 am to 2 pm. It is free and open to the public.
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