Venous insufficiency

Tue, Sep 21st 2021, 08:12 AM


Venous insufficiency is a condition where the flow of blood through the veins is inadequate, causing blood to pool in the legs. Remember, your arteries carry blood from your heart out to the rest of your body, like your legs. Your veins collect this blood and carry it back to the heart to be pumped again. One-way valves in the veins stop the blood from flowing backward. When the veins have trouble sending blood from the limbs to the heart, it’s known as venous insufficiency. In this condition, blood doesn’t flow back to the heart properly, causing blood to pool in the veins in your lower legs.
The most common causes of venous insufficiency are a history of blood clots and varicose veins. When forward flow through the valves in the veins is obstructed when there is a blood clot, blood builds up below the clot, which can lead to venous insufficiency. In varicose veins, the valves are often missing or not functioning and blood leaks back through these damaged valves. In some cases, weakness in the leg muscles that squeeze blood forward can also contribute to venous insufficiency.
According to The University of Chicago Medical Center, venous insufficiency is more common in women than in men, occurring in women between 40 and 49 and in men between 70 and 79. Other risk factors for venous insufficiency include blood clots, varicose veins, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, cancer, muscle weakness, leg injury or trauma, swelling of a superficial vein (phlebitis), family history of venous insufficiency, and inactivity (sitting or standing for long periods of time without moving can cause high blood pressure in the leg veins and increase your risk).
Symptoms of venous insufficiency may include swelling of the legs or ankles (edema), pain that gets worse when you stand and gets better when you raise your legs, leg cramps, aching, throbbing, or a feeling of heaviness in your legs, itchy legs, weak legs, thickening of the skin on your legs or ankles, skin that is changing color, especially around the ankles, leg ulcers, varicose veins, or a feeling of tightness in your calves.
If you have any of these symptoms, you can visit your primary physician, podiatrist or vascular surgeon. A physical examination will be done and a complete medical history will be taken to figure out if you have venous insufficiency. There may be some imaging tests ordered to pinpoint the source of the problem. These tests may include a venogram or a duplex ultrasound. Venogram is when the doctor puts an intravenous (IV) contrast dye into your veins allowing them to see the veins better. Duplex ultrasound tests the speed and direction of blood flow in the veins.
Venous insufficiency is a condition where the flow of blood through the veins is inadequate, causing blood to pool in the legs. Remember, your arteries carry blood from your heart out to the rest of your body, like your legs. Your veins collect this blood and carry it back to the heart to be pumped again. One-way valves in the veins stop the blood from flowing backward. When the veins have trouble sending blood from the limbs to the heart, it’s known as venous insufficiency. In this condition, blood doesn’t flow back to the heart properly, causing blood to pool in the veins in your lower legs.
The most common causes of venous insufficiency are a history of blood clots and varicose veins. When forward flow through the valves in the veins is obstructed when there is a blood clot, blood builds up below the clot, which can lead to venous insufficiency. In varicose veins, the valves are often missing or not functioning and blood leaks back through these damaged valves. In some cases, weakness in the leg muscles that squeeze blood forward can also contribute to venous insufficiency.
According to The University of Chicago Medical Center, venous insufficiency is more common in women than in men, occurring in women between 40 and 49 and in men between 70 and 79. Other risk factors for venous insufficiency include blood clots, varicose veins, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, cancer, muscle weakness, leg injury or trauma, swelling of a superficial vein (phlebitis), family history of venous insufficiency, and inactivity (sitting or standing for long periods of time without moving can cause high blood pressure in the leg veins and increase your risk).
Symptoms of venous insufficiency may include swelling of the legs or ankles (edema), pain that gets worse when you stand and gets better when you raise your legs, leg cramps, aching, throbbing, or a feeling of heaviness in your legs, itchy legs, weak legs, thickening of the skin on your legs or ankles, skin that is changing color, especially around the ankles, leg ulcers, varicose veins, or a feeling of tightness in your calves.
If you have any of these symptoms, you can visit your primary physician, podiatrist or vascular surgeon. A physical examination will be done and a complete medical history will be taken to figure out if you have venous insufficiency. There may be some imaging tests ordered to pinpoint the source of the problem. These tests may include a venogram or a duplex ultrasound. Venogram is when the doctor puts an intravenous (IV) contrast dye into your veins allowing them to see the veins better. Duplex ultrasound tests the speed and direction of blood flow in the veins.


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