Oaktree Medical Center Offers Relief for Low Iron Sufferers Through IV Infusions

Thu, Feb 28th 2019, 05:21 PM

“At the end of the day not having energy and not being able to function as usual is so hard and debilitating, it really keeps you down,’ explains Samantha Cartwright a patient at Oaktree Medical Center who suffers from low iron. For Samantha, and many others challenged with low iron and other deficiencies, life’s daily tasks can become a struggle when the body is depleted of vital nutrients.

“For me, IV infusions are the way to go, especially for those who have a challenge with low iron and low blood count,” says Cartwright.

Additionally, IV infusions may be recommended if the patient is unable to take iron by mouth, cannot absorb iron adequately through the stomach or the person has difficulty absorbing enough iron due to blood loss.

Typically iron deficiency anemia is treated with dietary changes and iron supplements taken orally. However, studies have shown many persons have an intolerance to taking these pills by mouth. The good news is that low iron sufferers are opting for a relatively underutilized therapy which reduces the need for blood transfusions.

Oaktree Medical Center’s Nephrologist, Dr. Don D. Deveaux lauds the use of intravenous iron for patients needing a boost. 

"From my experience, many patients cannot absorb oral iron into their body and may have side effects from oral iron pills,” explains Dr. Deveaux. “It can take many months for the person to get the same dose of iron from oral iron that can otherwise be administered in one dose of intravenous (IV) iron. Furthermore, having IV iron can reduce the need for blood transfusions and its inherent risks." 

Additionally, for pregnant women, as the fetus absorbs iron from her body the mother’s iron level may drop resulting in anemia. Women in their second and third trimester may also consider this form of treatment.

For Samantha the IV infusion treatment offered at Oaktree Medical Center has made a major difference in her quality of life.

“I’ve dealt with low blood count, shortness of breath, difficulty going up staircases and challenges moving. Before starting the infusions at Oaktree, I had to do blood transfusions. This required me to stay in hospital for a few days in order to receive the treatment. Now I am able to receive the care I need over a few consecutive days at the facility and actually be able to go home. It’s wonderful. The IV infusions gave me energy and allowed me to get back to my active lifestyle. I encourage those who may be struggling like I did to do your research and consider this as a possible treatment option,” explained Cartwright.

For a consultation, visit Oaktree Medical Center or call: 322-1146/7 or email: info@oaktreemedicalcenter.com. Check out our website at www.oaktreemedicalcenter.com.

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