Man fined for drug possession

Fri, Jan 6th 2017, 09:18 PM

A recent high school graduate who admitted to selling marijuana to supplement his income was yesterday fined $500 to avoid spending three months in prison.
Ervano Brown, 19, of Quarry Mission Road, was arrested with an ounce of marijuana, half of the inventory he told police that he had purchased for resale.
Brown's attorney, Philip Hilton, asked Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes to exercise leniency as Brown had "foolishly tried to augment a living".
Hilton said that Brown was still able to be saved.
Before passing sentence, the magistrate lectured Brown on the other dangers of selling drugs, besides facing criminal sanctions.
Forbes said that many of the murders recorded in the country were connected to drugs.
Forbes said, "Everybody is competing to earn money from illegal activities, namely drug trafficking."
Forbes said that dealing drugs is a "life changing event" and said that several defendants before his court had been murdered while awaiting trial.

Click here to read more at The Nassau Guardian

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