Christmas messages 2016

Wed, Dec 21st 2016, 10:08 PM

Emphasize what Christmas is really about

The story is told about a poor man who lived with his wife. Her hair was very long. One day the wife asked her husband to buy her a comb for her long hair so that it could be well groomed as it continued to grow. The man felt sorry and said that he did not have the money even to fix the strap of his watch that had just broken. The wife felt badly for having asked in the first place, and did not insist on her request. On his way to work that day the man passed by a watch shop. He sold his damaged watch at a low price and went to buy a comb for his wife. He came back home that evening with the comb in his hand ready to give it to his wife. He was surprised to see her with very short hair. She had cut and sold her hair and bought a brand new watch for her husband. They both burst into tears, but not because each thought they had wasted their time by the action taken. Tears came because they each realized that they loved each other so much that each was prepared to sacrifice for the happiness of the other. The love that they had for each other was truly reciprocal. Love happens when the other person's happiness is more important than our own. This is what real love is -- whether it is romantic, between parent and child, between siblings, relatives, friends or neighbors. Each of us is experiencing or has experienced one or more of these. Selfishness hurts the other person. Love only wants what is best for the other. Remember what St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians: love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking... does not keep a record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Some of us may not want to hear about or to think about love, especially if we have been hurt by others, betrayed or disappointed by some person in one of the above categories. However, love, i.e., genuine concern, when people give to us or care for us unselfishly, is still the most powerful force in the whole world. Now, consider this: if pain and disappointment are not enough, every year Christmas seems to become more busy, more bustling, more material and commercialized, even more socially demanding. These elements are not all bad in themselves because each has its place and value when kept within its proper bounds. However, trying to keep up with it makes it harder and harder to stay focused on the real meaning of the season. They actually give competition to God and to spiritual focus and to peace of mind.
Notwithstanding, the call to love continues to go out to all of us because nothing else is going to satisfy. God gave his son, Jesus, to the world because "God so loved the world" (John 3:16). Love is still the only way to heal the pain and to fill the emptiness in our souls and in our world. Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote in their timeless song: "God sent his son. They called him Jesus. He came to love, heal and forgive." This Christmas let us combat the pain with love, unselfishly and genuinely seeking what is best for others. There is no point complaining because we see and experience the world as uncaring, cruel, heartless and hateful. Instead, let us practice our skills at putting the wellbeing of others before our own -- both those persons whom we know and the stranger whom we meet.
Let us give to some person, or some cause, from whom we will get no gift or favor in return; give where we will get no advantage, recognition or kick-back. It may be hard; it might even be risky, but the things in life that are not worthwhile often involve difficulty and risk. Remember, however, that love is still the only true liberator and healer. Christopher Wordsworth was a teacher, lecturer and bishop in the Church of England. He was also the nephew of famous English poet, William Wordsworth. In 1862 he published a well-loved hymn, which says, "Love is kind, and suffers long. Love is meek, and thinks no wrong. Love than death itself more strong. Therefore, give us love".
This Christmas, let us put the emphasis on what Christmas is really about: the love of God coming into the world. Never mind what others are or are not doing. Let each of us do our part.
On behalf of the Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands, I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.
-- Bishop Laish Boyd
Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands

We can rejoice! We can celebrate!

The spate of senseless killings, rapes, robberies and untimely deaths on our streets have resulted in much pain, hurt, disappointment and even anger. In some instances there appears to be an absence of merrymaking and joy, leading some to question: "Why should I be happy?" "Do I rejoice in the season that calls for joy?" In fact, some ask, "Where is the joy?" And yes, this time of the year ought to be one of joy, glee, laughter and happiness. But apart from crime, many other challenges plague our people -- joblessness, reduced income and illness (terminal and otherwise) -- not to mention marital and family issues that are plaguing our land. And the erratic supply of electricity at this time only exacerbates the situation. And if that were not enough, the political season is undoubtedly upon us again. Given the aforementioned, should I celebrate? Notwithstanding the reality of situations, we can rejoice and we can celebrate.

Joy is constant
The Bible makes no fuss about it, as it simply and unapologetically declares that joy -- remarkable joy, wonderful joy, unbelievable joy, real joy has come to this world with the birth of Jesus. Consider the saying of Luke 2:10: "Do not be afraid," said the angel. "For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people." The angel of the Lord added, "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11).
Joy is tied to Christ. His first coming brought joy. His death on Calvary manifested a matchless love. His resurrection assures us of a sound resurrection hope as penned by Bill Gaither, "Because he lives, I can face tomorrow". Additionally, the fact that he is in heaven interceding for us provides an ongoing reason for celebration and rejoicing. In fact, I am reminded of some of his final words to his disciples, "And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the ages." (Matthew 28:20)
Furthermore, I reference the well-known John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." These declarations constitute joy even in the midst of all the ills, disappointments and issues of our land. We sure do need it.

Are you for real?
Christians are accused of offering "a pie in the sky" or speaking of some future bliss, but truth be told, people are hurting now as already noted, and they need answers today. How does this Christ message apply? The Christ message could not be more relevant. After all, the Bible says, "He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities." (Hebrews 4:15)
Do you know of anyone like that? For some in North America, they will probably point to Donald Trump; some in South Africa will point to the late Nelson Mandela and locally to the leader of their liking whether the current, past or yet to be candidate. However, they all pale in comparison to Christ the epitome and embodiment of joy, real joy -- and He is alive.
Wiping away the tears of pain and disappointment, He offers healing, food, shelter, freedom, forgiveness, hope and companionship. These and more he provides through his church and through his people everywhere. Consider the acts of kindness you have experienced all year. Despite some of your setbacks as a result of Hurricane Matthew, consider what God did. You received the favor of someone paying a bill or part of it; someone repaired your car, or appliance, or roof free or at a discounted rate. You received a loan even though you were not qualified. Through some charitable foundation you received medical assistance. You received the favor of lunch, or better still, groceries when you could not afford it. You have sat your exams owing tuition, and you even graduated this year and possibly you are still wondering, "How did I make it?" Your landlord gave you a reprieve on your rent. Maybe you went all year and did not have any health issues; no unnecessary marital pain; you paid all your bills on time. And even if the opposite applies, aren't you glad that you are still standing with just a few days to the end of 2016?

Joy today and always
Joy was never intended to be a once-a-year encounter, or even a now and then experience but a daily and hourly one; for Jesus himself announced, "I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)
The reality of this remarkable gift of joy dispels despair, ingratitude, worry, sleeplessness, revenge and anger. The joy that Christ gives by his presence, his church and his word is unquestionably real, practical and enduring. If you have not experienced it, it could be for several reasons. Maybe you do not know him. Maybe you are looking in the wrong place. Maybe you are expecting to receive when you can be giving time, encouragement and some other form of assistance. Maybe a paradigm shift is needed in your thoughts.
The Apostle Paul would tell you that to know this Christ is to experience radical change. Indeed, joy has come and is here and will be here as long as Jesus is alive; and that my friend is forever, so let his joy become your joy today and always. We can rejoice! We can celebrate!

-- Pastor Leonard A. Johnson
Regional president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for the Bahamas, Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands

Create the world you wish to be a part of and make the necessary repairs for total restoration and recovery

Action! Divine interruption!
Earth is ready for the mighty move of God
In the fullness of time, the drama unfolds.
The Roman world must now have their census taken.
Everyone must be counted.
Joseph and Mary left Nazareth, headed to Bethlehem to be enrolled.
The miracle is manifested.
God loved the whole world so that he gave his only son, and whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have life unending everlasting life. (St John's Gospel 3:16)
We were made with eternity within us; but we must believe in Jesus to have everlasting life actualized.
Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ shall not perish, but have the extension of God -- eternal life.
The pronoun whosoever removes all doubt that only a certain class, nationality or hue will qualify; the shade of difference has been removed. Every citizen of earth is qualified for eternal life.
Unconditional love, unending love, genuine love, superior quality of love, God kind of love; love without limit, God first loved us.
The love of God includes salvation -- he saved his people.
Redemption and restoration -- God made us, then he purchased us.
Incarnation is woven into the chapter of divine love -- the life, death and resurrection of Christ.
Embedded in the love of God, one can find the power of God, the purpose of God, the passion of God and the plan of God.
God has a plan for us; it is demonstrated in his love -- agape. Only the creator has the master plan.
The holy Bible is the authority on the subject. The Old and New Testaments are in agreement on the subject. The prophets, priests and pastors are all in agreement that God made us with his love and planted himself into every human being.
Jesus, the Messiah is the seal of God upon our planet. Jesus was sent to earth to demonstrate the love of God. By this shall men know that you are my disciple, if you love one another.
Only the eternal God became extremely extravagant with his love toward man. He now asks us to receive his love; and demonstrate it to each other.
Stop the madness and retreat to that corner of the world where smiles are welcome and forgiveness is tolerated and divine love is celebrated. Having gone through Hurricane Matthew, we have enough storms to conquer Mark, Luke and John. The eternal God is our refuge for which we must be grateful.
Christmas is the time for rejoicing and merrymaking, family togetherness and the moments of caring and sharing. Place light in your darkness of deceit and dispel the cloud of hopelessness and despair, then give your world reasons for the celebration. Create the world you wish to be a part of and make the necessary repairs for total restoration and recovery. Make music and join the angelic host as they sing glory to God in the highest and peace on earth among men of goodwill.

-- Bishop B. Wenith Davis

Senior Pastor Zion South Beach Baptist Church

Atheism is untenable
The Christmas event strikes a blow at atheism, agnosticism and unbelief. There is now no longer any justifiable reason for doubting or rejecting the reality of God. Because there is no other truthful way to explain the Christmas visitor -- but in the worshipful acclaim of one whom himself once doubted. The Apostle Thomas, who boldly and publicly expressed his personal doubt about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, delightfully exclaimed these immortal words, when finally convinced of the true identity of the risen Christ: "My Lord and my God."
No wonder his name is called Emmanuel -- God himself is here with us. From the mists of our mysterious imaginations, from the haze of our human hallucinations, our God has come to deliver us and to be with us -- to eradicate our strange ideas and to remove all our layers of accumulated misconceptions about him.
Incarnate in human form, our God has come here. Christmas destroys forever any good reason -- either to doubt the reality of God or the image of God. Jesus Christ, as the incarnate God says, so beautifully: "Behold your God!"
Christmas requires that the only logical response of earth should be one of the worship of God. Notice how the Virgin Mary got it so right. She burst forth with these words of highest adoration: "My soul does magnify the Lord, and my spirit does rejoice in God my savior!"
Is this also the conclusion at which you have arrived? Or are you allowing the hustle, bustle and other human activities to cloud the real issue?
This year do the right thing. Give God his due worship! Offer him true worship of the heart. And be sure that you have already said "Oh, come to my heart Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for thee".

-- Pastor Rex Major

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