It always pays to be nice

Wed, Mar 2nd 2016, 11:12 AM

The year 2016 may still be in its infancy but I've already been involved in several organizational wide reviews looking at how we engage with customers, partners and even our own staff. This turns the traditional emphasis on profitability and cost reduction on its head and suggests a new approach to defining Bahamian business success.

In "Nice Companies Finish First" by Peter Shankman, the author cites an employee study regarding the treatment they received from managers. It makes disturbing reading:

o 31 percent reported that their manager gave them the "silent treatment".

o 37 percent claimed they never received any credit from their manager.

o 39 percent of managers didn't keep promises.

o 27 percent of managers spoke negatively about them to colleagues.

The cost of such an approach is a workforce that "experienced exhaustion, job tension, nervousness, depressed mood and mistrust." However, Shankman emphasizes that being a "nice" manager or leader doesn't mean being a pushover; and that empowered employees will work harder and stay at your company longer.

'Nice Companies Finish First' outlines the nine characteristics of an enlightened leader including being accountable, investing in others, consulting with those affected by decisions and reacting positively to challenging situations. Of course, there are times when a leader must make unpopular decisions explains Shankman, but "you can make beneficial decisions and lead your company to greatness without resorting to schoolyard tactics."

The other traits described include:

o Strategic listening - to get the best out of employees.

o Good stewardship - based upon responsible and ethical management.

o Customer service-centric - building loyalty by serving first and selling second.

o Merit-based competitor - by developing your product and service differentiation.

In an era when people can share information instantly via social networking it's crucial for companies to keep them happy and create a service that customers will want to use. A number of world class companies have already set the standard for success with this collaborative approach. Leading lights include Amex, Pepsi and Apple; all building productive workplaces for the benefit of employees, customers and ultimately profitability.

During my twenty five years of management experience I've learned that any organization is only as good at its least effective employee. Therefore, if you adapt your leadership style and learn from the best it could be a case of "Nice Caribbean Companies Finish First".

o "Nice Companies Finish First" by Peter Shankman, published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Keith Appleton JP, BA (Hons), N.Dip.M, MInstLM has extensive experience within an academic, managerial and strategic leadership role. He is a member of the UK Institute of Leadership & Management and can be contacted at

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