BEC invasion

Mon, Oct 20th 2014, 10:00 AM

Dear Editor,

It started as a busy Wednesday afternoon while sitting in my home office catching up on some work. I was not expecting anyone to stop by, so when my gate buzzer rang, I opted not to answer, so that I could continue the abundance of work I had on my plate.
My gate buzzer persisted for almost 10 minutes. Then I received a phone call from BEC. Apparently technicians were at my gate wanting to gain access to the property to disconnect one of the meters.
There are two residences on the property, and since I knew my BEC bill was fully paid, I assumed that it was my tenant's bill that was overdue. He had recently returned from an extended trip.
I explained that the tenant was not home and offered to take a message. They would be unable to gain access to the meter without the tenant's presence, since the meter was inside the locked apartment.
To this, the BEC men replied that since there were cars visible that someone must be at home. I again said in a polite manner that no one was home and took a message for the tenant, saying I would pass it along either that evening or the following morning.
At this point, I thought the issue was settled and the BEC technicians had moved on. A few minutes later, the gate buzzer went off quite persistently once again. As I was still absorbed in my work, I did not answer it.
Shortly thereafter, my dogs alerted me that someone was on my property, in my yard approaching the house. They were barking quite ferociously, so I let them out to see if something was going on while I stayed inside. It became apparent that someone was at the rear of the house and perhaps also in front of my garage trying to break in.
My dogs held their ground until one of the intruders emerged from the back of my car and became visible.
Turns out the BEC technicians hopped my wall, into my gated yard uninvited and were trying to access a meter in my home. One of them had a taser-like device that he was about to use on any one or all three of my dogs.
When I saw that the intruders were the BEC technicians, I called my dogs in (in hopes that the men were actually who they appeared to be and were not imposters posing as BEC workers). I then told them quite firmly to get off of my property. I heard one of them say, "Call the head office". I had hoped that they did!
As they appeared to be walking away from the house, I set my security alarm off. Since my garden is very bushy, it was not possible for me to see where the technicians actually went. I wanted to be sure they had left the premises. I did not want anymore uninvited intrusions!
I thought the BEC matter was settled when I took the phone message and agreed to pass it along to my tenant, but apparently I was wrong.
Shortly thereafter, the police arrived, being called in by my security company. I have to commend the police force for their fast response!
Obviously, this was not a life and death situation, but they were very prompt, accommodating and acted appropriately.
While the police were at my gate, the BEC technicians returned, hoping that the police would force me to allow them access to the property. After explaining that the meter was not accessible at the present time and that they would have to wait for the tenant's return, the officers were fine with this. I again reiterated that I took the technician's phone message earlier and would pass it on the tenant.
Sadly, this did not please the BEC technicians. I made it very clear that if they came onto my property again without permission, I would do the same thing again - set my dogs loose, sound my security alarm and call the police.
I understand that the job of handling electricity disconnections is a challenging one, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. However, BEC should have been satisfied (as I thought they were) with leaving the message that I promised to pass along. Alternatively, they had my phone number, we had spoken 20 minutes prior.
Why could they not call me again and say, "We are entering your property [with or without your permission] to read the meter"? While it would not have accomplished anything, since they were already informed that the meter was not accessible at the present time, at least I could have been saved from the fear that someone was breaking into my home and the possibility of having my dogs tased.
I commend the police officers that responded to this call (over a relatively minor incident). BEC, however should be ashamed of themselves. As an extra warning - BEC technicians should be aware that in this day and age, another person that may have had a licensed firearm could have chosen to use it when a home invasion seemed imminent.
I hope that, for the sake of other BEC paying customers (like me), that this never happens to you!

- BT

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