When Your Cough Needs Doctor Care

Wed, Dec 15th 2010, 07:00 AM

A chronic cough is one that persists for longer than three weeks. A cough may be caused by an illness or a behavior such as smoking, or as a side effect of a medication. Here are common reasons for chronic cough: smoking, asthma, medications; glaucoma or migraines; acid reflux or heartburn (when the acid in your stomach backs up into your throat); as well as allergies, which can trigger cough-inducing postnasal drip. If your cough has persisted for three weeks or longer, it is time to see a doctor. 

Here are warning signs that your cough requires medical attention: coughing up thick phlegm that is yellow or green in color; wheezing when you breathe; fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher; losing weight unexpectedly; excessive sweating at night; and/or coughing up blood.  If you have these warnings signs, see your doctor. 

For information on how to keep emergencies at bay over the holidays, attend Doctors Hospital’s free public lecture tomorrow night at 6pm at Doctors Hospital featuring Dr. Nigel Johnson.


“Health Tip of The Day brought to you by Doctors Hospital, keeping you and your family healthy for life.”

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